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Unread 16-03-2007, 10:58   #7
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 47
Default Cork Midleton Service seriously delayed

Well, Martin Cullen has AGAIN shafted Cork commuters with the revelation by the Cork Examiner that they have noticed that Marty the Muppet has since teh CPO report 5 months ago, forgotten/chose not to sign the Railway Order authorising commencement of the Cork Midleton line . His spokespersons response was "well, it was a big report". Seriously!

I imagine then his deadline of it being operational by July 2008 has just extended the wait for commuters to prob 2010. And all this on the most re announced / announced / re announced / planned years ago / included under Transport 21 as a new project train scheme.

Martin is fast losing the battle to get the freedom of the city given that we waited 9 years for the Kinsale road roundabout (which they then had the cheek to tell us was completed ahead of schedule - in nine years i could have built it myself with a toothbrush) , the sarsfield road roundabout funding was pulled, as was the bandon road funding - where the traffic from the long delayed kinsale road now congests, kent station 21m redevelopment was reduced to 4m and CIE had the cheek to apply for a 24 storey building next to a site that only a month before was granted a max of 10 storeys, and FF TD's told us to "stop whinging" and pay 100 million to the airport that they said would be debt free

will someone please please please get this man out of the goverrnment? He's just inept
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