Many people have indeed questioned why TfL appeared to take a very well developed concept "Octopus" turn it into "Oyster" and almost destroy the essential simplicity of it.
However one aspect of the debate which is only now coming to public notice is the amount of data which is available to the UK Security Services on the travellin patterns of Oyster holders.
Another odd piece of info was how relatively quickly people registered their Oysters thus laying bare far more detailed info about themselves than their preference for Bus over Tube etc.
It no secret that TfL and inter alia the UK Govt plan is for Oyster to be a source of highly accurate real-time information on travel patterns and therefore allow them to react or plan for the changes in such patterns before trouble arises.
It all good stuff on paper (or chip) BUT there are increasing concerns on just how much information is being harvested and with what purpose in mind ??