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Unread 22-02-2007, 10:28   #1
Thomas the Tank
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Default [22-2-2007] Delays on Maynooth line this morning

8.16 train from Maynooth/Longford (sorry never know where that comes from) did not arrive until 8.40. No explanation that I heard while on the platform. No room on platform come 8.40, needless to say the train itself was a nightmare, no air conditioning and windows locked on the carriage that I was on. No explanation for the delay on the train and as for getting an apology!

Is there is a legal obligation for the company to provide properly ventilated facilities on all services? It struck me this morning while a lot of people were turning a whiter shade of pale, that if you were opening a pub, nightclub etc where there was the potetial for hundreds of people to be jammed into an area that you would not get a license on health and safety grounds if your premises were not properly ventilated. Having oxygen available to your paying customers is a pretty basic requirement I'd imagine! There's nothing that can be done about the huge numbers of people that are getting these trains in the morning and the crushes that result, but surely IE should have some obligation to make our journeys a little bit more bearable by ensuring that we can all breathe freely at least
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