The 18:21 ex-Killarney to Heuston yesterday (29/01/06) was late arriving into Killarney by approximately twenty mins and didnt leave til 18:40. No announcement/reason or even apology for the delay was made at any point on the train or the station.
Secondly more than half the rear carriage of the train was reserved for a group leaving killarney who seemed not to show up.
After some time a passenger enquired if they could sit in the reserved seats, only to find out that these seats were reserved for a previous train (15:45 again ex Killarney??) and the guard hadn't bothered to take down the reserved signs?
Finally to add to matters the train was freezing most people were wearing their coats hats and gloves for the three and a half hour trip, while one lucky lady resorted to taking a sleepig bag from her bag and getting into it.
Typical IE an excellent service and all for only Euro60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!