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Unread 11-02-2007, 14:26   #3
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Originally Posted by Aphfaneire View Post
Why is it that people are giving the southside in general this image of stupid rich people with an inane fear of the northside?

Common, i went to sandford park and knew a lot of these ross o'caroll kelly types and non of them where that stupid. Ok so one or two of them did make the ocasional comment of the northside being dangerous and that redz niteclub was awfull cause it was a "beacon" for northsiders because its on o'connell bridge. But some of them lived on the northside. Hell i used to live in ballenteer, im used to public transport, hell most people i knew where, especially with so many using the luas in my school.

Not only that but i knew that the best place for the cinema was cineworld on parnell street, and that some people are so missinformed on the northside that they call the spire the "spike". But i doubt anyone doesnt know where croker is, its not hard to miss, that and we had to go there for a history trip.

Shame on anyone who think rugby fans are really the thick rich people that everyone makes them out to be.
I also grew up and went to school on the southside. I call the spire, the spike. I know someone who got alot of "A1"s in his leaving in Blackrock College and still only knows 1 route to drive across the city. There are alot of insular southsiders. It's just the way it is when daddy buys them everything they need in BT. Hey my own sister, who was in a posh southside school took the 16A the wrong way from town a few times

Last edited by Thomas J Stamp : 12-02-2007 at 00:03. Reason: same as above coz it was quoted
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