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Unread 05-02-2007, 14:44   #11
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The report of the Lawyer who makes recommendations for the Railway Order has just been published. (See DoT website). The original Midleton line report (I forget the consultants' names) had what seemed me to be a properly-specified cost-benefit analysis. It should not take long to update. The overall social return was quite promising.

Quite frankly if this project does not pass muster with the D of F then no rail project has a chance. Unless of course its is west of the Shannon in which case a special secret fromula will apply.

BTW, the report I referred to on the DoT website apparently recommends a revamped level crossing rather than the proposed bridge near Myrtle Hill (?). Shows what happens when you let a lawyer with no technical knowledge loose on a task like this. The Rail Safety people must be having kittens (if they are not asleep).
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