I sometimes sits and thinks and I sometimes just sits.....!
The effects of all this sitting is to increase my Blood Pressure a hundredfold

when I sit and read blatant nonsense such as the "Guide to beating Croke Park Traffic" now being touted in the national media.
Just allow me to detail a couple of nuggets from this Meisterwerke !
"Officials have introduced the Croke Park Stadium Transport Guide,which will be delivered to every sports and music fan who buys a ticket for one of the 35 events there this year"
Wow..! How come I never thought of that ????
And then we have.........
"The Brochure features a detailed map of the area around Croke Park,and highlights the nearby rail and Dart Stations,bus stops,Luas line and car parks"
Ahem......pay attention down the back,while we continue this wonderous voyage....
"The busy schedule of events at the Northside Stadium has caused several traffic and parking nightmares for fans. Hundreds have been clamped,having resorted to illegal parking in the absence of dedicated parking spots"
Ahhhhhh...something taking shape here...or is it....???/
The new guide was introduced after revelations that plans for a dedicated Park n Ride scheme to the 82,000 seat stadium have been Put on Hold "
SO.....is it SPIN or is it SUBSTANCE...???
Wellllll before YOU vote on this one listen to the sage like contribution from THE MAN !!
"Stadium Director Peter McKenna said the
Initiative would make a MAJOR difference to the traffic problems around Drumcondra"
No colour needed there as there`s the full rainbow over this mans head !!
The benefit of having a Professional Public Relations setup is immediately obvious here......Instead of having a Press Conference to announce the NON Implimentation of a plan that WOULD have at least addressed the Problem in a REAL way we have sharp suited young flappers providing Mr McKenna with bucketfuls of gaily coloured confetti to throw about the room.
To paraphrase the man who`s statue sits alongside the Canal ......Plan..? My Arse....!!!