Originally Posted by 2Funki4Wheelz
The best is women rubbing every side of their handbags off the scanner cos they know the wallet/card is buried under stuff. 
They should be hung from their handbag straps for doing that
A long time ago I heard a radio interview with someone from the RPA in which he was asked about a regular dedicated Heuston - Connolly service in addition to the normal Tallaght - Connolly trams. He responded by saying there were two basic problem with implementing a regular Heuston - Connolly shuttle.
1. Dublin City Council refuse to give anymore priority to trams at junctions in the city centre, therefore putting on additional trams would lead to congestion on the tram lines. What we regularly see around Jervis would become even worse with 4 and 5 trams backed up waiting on traffic lights.
2. The power supply. Currently the power supply can handle x amount of trams between Heuston and Connolly at any one time. According to the RPA guy x is almost reached as it is during peak times so putting in more trams between Heuston - Connolly would necessitate the power supply being upgraded.