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Unread 04-01-2007, 17:24   #15
2Funki4Wheelz's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Portarlington
Posts: 397

From my experience there's 1 shuttle in the mornings (Heuston - Connolly), usually around 8.45 or later, not necessarily every day but more frequent in last few months. This is a very crowded time, as the late 5.30 from Cork bundles in with a another service and two huge trainloads of people for the 92 and Luas come flooding out.

I've only ever been on one "Connolly - Heuston" and it was a disaster with people hopping on and off all confused and complaining, even though the PA repeatedly announced "This tram terminates at Heuston Station"
Customer Service costs nothing...
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