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Unread 07-12-2006, 12:02   #1
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Default Clamped for 2nd time in 6 days

Last night my car was clamped at Portmarnock station for the second time since last Wednesday. Mt car was not parked on a double yellow line, was not obstructing any other cars or any access point and was not parked on a yellow box (picture attached). I asked ncps why my car was clamped. The first person said it was because it was in a non-designed space. However, I pointed out that cars are alowed to park all around the perimeter in non-designed spaces without being clamped.

I rang ncps to get the car declamped at 1901. One hour and 6 minutes later, the ncps van arrived. The driver filled in the declamp form stating that I was clamped because of being parked in a yellow box. On pointing out that no part of the car was in a yellow box, he said he couldn't tell me why I had been clamped but "maybe it was they don't want people parking there".

Meanwhile, Irishrail continue to refuse to open up a large area of unused ground immediately to the rear of the car park that could easily accomodate 50 to 60 cars.
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