[23-11-2006] Another Thursday Night in Heuston
So I arrive at the train station for the 18:35 to portlaoise and find that the 17:55 to Galwayis delayed 30 minutes and the 18:35 to Thurles is leavig from platform invisible. I join the crowd at the customer service desk and find out (from asking a tall thin manager type with a moustache) that there was a derailment from one of the sheds and that the 18:35 is not going ahead. we are told to go to platform 8 for the 18:30 to tralee if we are travelling to Portlaoise. Others were sent to different trains. We sat on platform 8 til 7pm and then we left. The driver annouced some stuff but was inaudible but the guy in the bar and caefteria was heard perfectly with his announcements. 17:55 and 18:45 left before us from what I could make out. No apologies that I heard either. What is it with Thursdays?