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Unread 20-11-2006, 14:36   #54
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 54

Originally Posted by Paul Mulcahy View Post
Why not try doing something clever with the elevated section, put kiosks underneath or something that will attract people to the area and keep those bridge dwelling trolls away?

Paul, we're talking several miles of "elevated section". What has been suggested by RPA is a ballymun solution not acceptable elsewhere in Dublin. It will march down the centre of Ballymun Road like a Berlin Wall. It will be no addition to the regeneration being carried out by Dublin City Co. It will look what it is, the cheap solution for a percieved cheap part of the city.

It's a row just waiting for it's day.

I understood that the largest costs in tunnelling was the insertion and recovery pits for the TBM. Here we are getting two sets, Stephen's Green (or wherever) to DCU, then Metro Park to north of airport. I dont see, in overall scheme of things, extra cost of tunnelling to be huge when offset by saving cost of entry and extraction pits with cost of stilt structure.
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