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Unread 08-11-2006, 10:08   #10
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 140

I was up in sweden/denmark last week and got an overnight train from copenhagen to stockholm on wednesday.

Unfortunately Wednesday night saw Swedens first bad snow of the winter so I expected delays.
To my surprise I arrived into Stockholm central 5 mins nearly despite a foot of snow in some places.

Considering the difficulty of this journey to say that IE cant deal with leaves on the track is a pathetic joke.

On a different note my train tickets around scandinavia cost me €320 when bought in sweden on the day of travel (they seem to work on the basis that the closer to departure time the more expensive the ticket will be).

IE offered me the same journeys for €627 over a month ago when the price quoted at the time by swedish rail was €210. IE are a rip off
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