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Unread 10-01-2006, 12:29   #46
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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At this stage the questions are all unanswered, the RPA tend to come out fighting when you back them into a corner they never tell you what you want only to try to discredit what information you have (made worse by a refusal to release the info you need), only to u turn some months later (40m trams, metro etc)

We have no clarity on the true scale of the issue or how much disruption or what the safety risks are, what safety management procedures are and what they are going to do about it

What we know is 30% odd blocks are defective and that number is increasing thus this 5% of all track is interesting

Can we have the safety report ? then we all can find out what is going on and learn the truth as that report raised design issues with respect to the curves which are related to the track type not its installation or conditon
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