Clearly as we all could have guessed name badge means complaints are easy since you have a name, which means the complaint sticks. Take a trip up north and you will find staff turned out smartly with ID badges (staff id numbers not names which makes even more sense since there is no chance of getting it wrong) , the whole thing looking way more professional, so the service is shaky but the customer service attitude is light years ahead
Complaining is good once you are specific about dates and times. Take note of the day you send it in and if you hear nothing within 3 weeks please contact us all we need is your name, date of complaint and subject of complaint
IE say they answer complaints promtly well they don't but proof is essential
And remember
Passengers can't dictate the service
Wonder who said that.................
Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 26-10-2006 at 16:21.