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Unread 27-09-2006, 10:15   #254
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Limerick
Posts: 14

Hi Lads,

I was on 'C' coach on the 21.00 Dublin to Cork last night. I think the coach number was 4109. I could be wrong but thats what i think it was.

We didn't leave until 21.12 from Heuston due to a 'technical issue'. It sounded like one of the doors wouldn't close properly.

Train Host made regular announcements apologising for delay and promised to keep us updated. So there i was sitting down thinking that this wasn't too bad and that everyone was getting an unlucky trip on these trains.

To those i doubted i apologise now, we got past inchicore, and i heard a friend of mine at the back of the carriage (it was a very empty carriage).
So i got up and walked over to her. I have travelled a lot on all sorts of trains here and abroad and i must say i was sure i was going to fall over several times. The train feels as if its driving of a track that was not built for the wheels. It's a tough one to explain but there was a real 'hard' feel to the movement. The train just doesn't seem to 'fit' hopefully it will "break in".

After talking to my friend i went to get a tea and meet some people from Limerick who all agreed that the train was very 'rough' and uncomfortable. Those people were sitting back by the snack carriage which was alot more jumpy than my carriage.

To be honest in parts it was as comfortable as travelling to Waterford from Limerick Junction

PIS and cleanliness were all spot on and make me feel we may be getting "there". As long as those standards are kept up people will enjoy the journey.

I then jumped off and switched to the Commuter service to Limerick and all though louder, dirtier and that feeling of moving at faster then the speed of sound it was more comfortable overall than the majority of my journey on Mark IV.

I hope this gives some more feedback on the trip but i can't help but think that things will get better and we may have turned a corner on rail travel for the average traveller in this country.
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