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Unread 18-09-2006, 09:39   #233
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The interesting PIS glitch though was the lack of scrolling displays in one coach + the fact that it didn't seem to announce the connecting services at Limerick Junction, Mallow etc. Rather just "we are now approaching mallow" type announcements.

Connections rather being announced by the train manager.

The only mistake was "The snack and catering car located at the rear of the train"
A few mins later "The snack and catering car located at the front of the train"

At least they're giving the passengers a bit of exercise as they wander up and down the lenght of the train. Prevents deep vein thrombosis

Sure you can't be spoon feeding them!

I'm a fan of proper bilingualism though. Would rather have everything absolutely right in both languages on public services. I just feel the key point on a Dublin bound train is Dublin / B.A.C. regardless of wheather it terminates in Heuston or Connolly. It's covered in English though, which is essentially going to be the most relevant to those travellers unfamilar with the 2 station system in Dublin. The PIS does announce and display "Dublin Heuston" which makes absolute sense. This is also the case in the UK with services bound to cities/towns with multiple stations.

What has always irritated me with CIE (Dublin bus in particular) signage has been that it's paid lipservice to the bilingualism requirement rather than actually making the proper effort. The MK4 trains do, for the first time, go the whole hog, just was simply pointing out what I would personally consider something that might be more "passenger friendly" i.e. if you're on the look out for "Dublin / Baile Atha Cliath" you might spot it more easily than Heuston (or its Irish spelling) - This is particularly important for tourists who do rapidly become familiar with Baile Atha Cliath on signage.

It's also worth noting, the MK4s do serve connections to gaeltacht areas via Mallow to Kerry and via bus to west cork.

Last edited by MrX : 18-09-2006 at 09:52.
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