shock and awe
Operation shock and awe commenced yesterday in Irish rail as they entered the 21st century.
The blustery winds of change that blow through the crumbling and construction site of Heustons older walls (open to viewing by public, looks like a kip) and the Victorian hay-barn that is Kent station in Cork, caused the first ever glimmerings of efficiency to appear.
Got the 7am train to Dublin and had prebooked the seat. When I got to the train a brightly yellow t shirted marketing maiden checked my reservation and escorted me to my seat! She even managed to politely shoo away a few stroppy suits and random members of public that ignored all the signs that said Pre Booked Seats. Apart from it not being one of the still-not-yet-running-and-years-waiting-new trains and of course the obligatory 5 min stupid and idiotic wait in mallow for the kerry train that was late, it was a grand journey.
To my surprise, on the return journey at 3pm, there was not 1 but 3 marketing maidens escorting people to their seats! I can only imagine that not being permanent staff has resulted in them being far too enthusiastic for their jobs. Still, other than the fact that the intercom was busted then fixed and turned up so high that aremy deafness claims would be put on hold while rail passengers submitted their claims and an inexplicable 5 minute stop just before Limerick junction and the train not being one of the new ones, it was grand.
A mere 4/5 years after internet booking has become de rigeur, we now have it for the trains!! At last, keep it going now lads. (Cant picture long serving union members wearing the yellow t shirts once the girls go back to college………..)