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Unread 12-09-2006, 08:46   #1
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Default More PD/FF Bickering over the busses

First blood will be drawn in the row over buses

THE first major flashpoint between the new PD leader Michael McDowell and Fianna Fail is set to come over reform of the bus market.
The long-running bus saga presents an ideal chance for the Progressive Democrats' new leader to assert his authority.
The PDs want to see substantial privatisation and competition on bus routes but Fianna Fail is less enthusiastic about this approach.
Transport Minister Martin Cullen is due to bring proposals for the provision of extra buses and the reform of the market in the coming weeks.
But these plans will be a watering down of a previous Government policy.
When Seamus Brennan was Transport Minister, he brought forward proposals to open up 25pc of routes to competition and this plan was agreed to by both FF and the PDs. But since Mr Cullen took over, these proposed reforms have not gone any further.
The compromise is expected to be the introduction of an independent regulator for the market.
Yesterday, Mr McDowell reiterated the PDs' commitment to its promise on reforms of the bus market.
"The Progressive Democrats strongly support the clear statement in the Programme for Government that there will be reform of the road transport service. We are determined that State-owned enterprises and private enterprise will have a role to play in delivering that vital service to the Irish people," he said.
"These matters will come before Government and I have no doubt it remains the Government's commitment to deliver on what's in the Programme for Government."
The reform of the bus market was a key priority in the PDs manifesto in the 2002 general election and it was also included in the Programme for Government with Fianna Fail.
Mary Harney threatened to pull her party out of Government with Fianna Fail two and a half years ago if the coalition failed to liberalise bus routes.
Fionnan Sheahan and Gene McKenna
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