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Search: Posts Made By: on the move
Forum: Luas Discussion 24-09-2013, 15:58
Replies: 1
Views: 5,529
Posted By on the move
I'm sure the reports were all "everything's...

I'm sure the reports were all "everything's fine". In that case, nothing was learned, and the whole exercise was a waste of time.
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 24-01-2013, 14:17
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
The point isn't whether events are on once a year...

The point isn't whether events are on once a year or not, the point is when there are events on at all, the transport network schedule is inflexible and what is available is therefore full to...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 22-01-2013, 16:17
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
The reason the streets are (almost) empty, is...

The reason the streets are (almost) empty, is because you can't get in or out of them.

Christmas means different things to different people. Some people think it's the biggest period of the year,...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 21-01-2013, 15:27
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
So what does? Dublin is a major European city....

So what does?

Dublin is a major European city. It's not London Paris or Berlin granted, but it is the main hub of activity in this country, and when there are major public events on at night, the...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 18-01-2013, 11:57
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
Lots of times. At the weekend after gigs at the...

Lots of times. At the weekend after gigs at the Point, parties and sports events, it's as busy as a Saturday afternoon, as most major cities are in Europe. Yet there's only nitelinks and expensive...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 16-01-2013, 21:07
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
Lunch usually takes around 30 minutes. It doesn't...

Lunch usually takes around 30 minutes. It doesn't go on for 30 hours.

Every country has their own way of celebrating Christmas indeed. The Orthodox countries take their Christmas in January. But...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 15-01-2013, 20:27
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
Neither is operated because of cashflow issues....

Neither is operated because of cashflow issues. The Luas Red Line has had no late night service since 2010, because of much overblown "public order" concerns. IE don't operate at all on the 26th due...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 14-01-2013, 14:37
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
Of course not everywhere was open, but the sales...

Of course not everywhere was open, but the sales started in most shopping centres, many supermarkets and chain shops were open for most of the day. Same goes for pubs, and the major fast food...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 14-01-2013, 11:03
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
It's several years now since I had to stand on an...

It's several years now since I had to stand on an Irish train, bar the Dart.

The country reopened for business on the 26th, airports, buses, trams all running. Most shopping centres were open on...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 07-01-2013, 16:22
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
Demand on every day of the year doesn't justify...

Demand on every day of the year doesn't justify service really, as the road network now can carry most people at half the cost, and in some cases half the time.

That said, we still need a...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 25-12-2012, 21:16
Replies: 64
Views: 32,916
Posted By on the move
It's nothing to do with demand or providing extra...

It's nothing to do with demand or providing extra services, it's adhering to tradition. A tradition that is sacrosanct, in all circumstances.

Absolutely everything stops in Ireland on 25 December....
Forum: Luas Discussion 20-09-2012, 08:09
Replies: 1
Views: 6,800
Posted By on the move
Strike 1

After all the recent cutbacks, the inevitable has happened. For the first time in it's operation, current drivers are preparing to take "industrial action"....
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 07-07-2012, 11:08
Replies: 2
Views: 3,411
Posted By on the move
If it was me, all this safety bull would put me...

If it was me, all this safety bull would put me off using the Luas at all. Much easier to jump on a bus and head straight home, than have to walk a fair distance to an obscure transport stop...
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 19-05-2012, 01:10
Replies: 30
Views: 25,326
Posted By on the move
Extra services have been laid on for the finals....

Extra services have been laid on for the finals. An extra Berlin-Poznan train has been put on at 15:40 local time for the championships, while a direct service to Gdansk serving Berlin is also set to...
Forum: Luas Discussion 01-05-2012, 23:33
Replies: 11
Views: 11,490
Posted By on the move
Tbh, I don't think either passengers or...

Tbh, I don't think either passengers or "Managers" take this stuff seriously. Most passengers tell them everything is fine and there is nothing to improve, while the "Managers" see it as a chance to...
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 19-04-2012, 03:38
Replies: 30
Views: 25,326
Posted By on the move
You would expect such an "amazing trip"...

You would expect such an "amazing trip" to have at least decent accommodation. Not this one though. You get to spend 11 nights on a patch of grass aka "campsite" in rural Poland, and like it or not,...
Forum: Luas Discussion 08-04-2012, 06:34
Replies: 4
Views: 5,861
Posted By on the move
€1,5 million is almost nothing in Luas terms,...

€1,5 million is almost nothing in Luas terms, and is being stingy for the sake of it. Obviously, the ticket fare increases haven't being the solution to their issues.

My sympathy goes to the...
Forum: Luas Discussion 29-03-2012, 00:13
Replies: 13
Views: 7,921
Posted By on the move
What are the staff thanking themselves for?...

What are the staff thanking themselves for? :confused:
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 25-03-2012, 03:59
Replies: 34
Views: 20,011
Posted By on the move
It's a goodwill gesture, not a money-making...

It's a goodwill gesture, not a money-making exercise. And the passenger numbers are lower on Saturdays anyway. The passengers who had to find lifts, buses, taxis etc over the past week in place of...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 24-03-2012, 21:47
Replies: 34
Views: 20,011
Posted By on the move
So the service has resumed today. If they really...

So the service has resumed today. If they really wanted to thank passengers, they would have made travelling for the rest of the day free, as a goodwill gesture.
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 22-03-2012, 21:49
Replies: 34
Views: 20,011
Posted By on the move
The Number 1 priority of any rail network...

The Number 1 priority of any rail network anywhere in the world is to provide affordable, frequent, fast, and convenient transport for passengers. If it's not doing that, people will use other forms...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 19-03-2012, 23:18
Replies: 34
Views: 20,011
Posted By on the move
5 minute job max. Since the disruption began,...

5 minute job max.

Since the disruption began, there's been more seats than passengers on the Luas at all times. They can't allow that situation to continue for much longer. Running the service...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 19-03-2012, 20:43
Replies: 34
Views: 20,011
Posted By on the move
So sanity has returned to Veolia, and they will...

So sanity has returned to Veolia, and they will run the service to/from Heuston. Which begs the question, why wasn't it done beforehand?
Forum: Luas Discussion 19-03-2012, 03:09
Replies: 13
Views: 7,921
Posted By on the move
Trams can't get to/from Red Cow HQ. Given where...

Trams can't get to/from Red Cow HQ.

Given where the incident is, it looks like the service could run Citywest/Tallaght-Heuston. Why it isn't is unknown.
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 15-03-2012, 17:53
Replies: 4
Views: 4,415
Posted By on the move
There is a thread dedicated to Euro finals...

There is a thread dedicated to Euro finals travelling here (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showpost.php?p=65190&postcount=22):

Showing results 1 to 25 of 176

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