Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
17-09-2010, 07:09
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
oh right so...its not the motorways that are a...
oh right so...its not the motorways that are a threat to IE, Its me.....!!!!
My point throughout is that IE need to wake up and smell the maxpax if they are going to fight Motorway competition. I...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
15-09-2010, 21:57
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
15-09-2010, 16:20
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
15-09-2010, 14:54
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
15-09-2010, 12:36
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
14-09-2010, 20:09
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
14-09-2010, 17:40
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
14-09-2010, 11:02
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
13-09-2010, 11:42
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
i don't think thwere will be many (and less in...
i don't think thwere will be many (and less in the future) passengers willing to take a stopping train in the wrong direction only to stand on a cold platform waiting for a connection when they could...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
10-09-2010, 16:09
Replies: 16
Views: 42,639
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
10-09-2010, 11:05
Replies: 16
Views: 42,639
I would imagine that pathing a freight train...
I would imagine that pathing a freight train (were there any) would be extremely difficult now even with the current timetable.
I wonder at the future of this line now, a scorched earth policy being...
Forum: Dublin Cork
06-09-2010, 06:33
Replies: 26
Views: 72,987
Forum: Dublin Cork
05-09-2010, 08:26
Replies: 26
Views: 72,987
Forum: Dublin Cork
04-09-2010, 18:08
Replies: 26
Views: 72,987
Forum: Dublin Cork
04-09-2010, 15:39
Replies: 26
Views: 72,987
adding in maintenance and depreciation is only...
adding in maintenance and depreciation is only really relevant if you buy a car just for commuting. Assuming you are going to have a car anyway, it makes sense to make use of it,especially as most...
Forum: Dublin Cork
04-09-2010, 10:19
Replies: 26
Views: 72,987
Forum: Dublin Cork
04-09-2010, 10:17
Replies: 26
Views: 72,987
this policy should be of no surprise since it...
this policy should be of no surprise since it eliminates shunting moves, something essential for a smooth running regular interval service. Its one of the reasons for switching to fixed formation...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
03-09-2010, 19:37
Replies: 63
Views: 234,911
Forum: Dublin Cork
03-09-2010, 06:50
Replies: 26
Views: 72,987
how can it be downhill to Mallow? It is in...
how can it be downhill to Mallow? It is in Holland or something!
Railcars accelerate quicker and can brake quicker so over a short disatnce i would expect them to be quicker anyway. In any event...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
29-08-2010, 04:58
Replies: 32
Views: 77,376
Like putting a station in Craughwell (well in a...
Like putting a station in Craughwell (well in a field outside it) instead of Oranmore you mean.... have to agree there. It amazes me that the stattion wasnt built alongside the level crossing just...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
28-08-2010, 21:50
Replies: 32
Views: 77,376
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
27-08-2010, 14:10
Replies: 32
Views: 77,376
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
26-08-2010, 21:17
Replies: 32
Views: 77,376
but the reason why this line cannot be a sucess...
but the reason why this line cannot be a sucess is the way its been built. How exactly do you propose improving the timetable when there are at least two more stations planned? Im sure everyone would...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
26-08-2010, 00:45
Replies: 32
Views: 77,376
break even? even IE concede it will lose...
break even? even IE concede it will lose millions per year. Even with an efficent owner it can't thrive given the ham-strung way it is built with the Motorway covering the same route only shorter....
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare
25-08-2010, 13:38
Replies: 32
Views: 77,376
I fully agree.A park and Ride stattion at...
I fully agree.A park and Ride stattion at Oranmore would seem a good idea but the plans i have heard of do not include a passing loop there and have only a small car park whereas at least a site...