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Search: Posts Made By: dermo88
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 22-10-2011, 11:33
Replies: 10
Views: 5,576
Posted By dermo88
4 years gone, 4 more years to go, all has...

4 years gone, 4 more years to go, all has changed, and changed utterly.
Forum: Nenagh Line 18-09-2010, 15:13
Replies: 6
Views: 61,825
Posted By dermo88
Hammer, nail, head. Its a miracle that its lasted...

Hammer, nail, head. Its a miracle that its lasted this long, the only thing keeping it alive being the political considerations.

There will be the usual protests, but unless the junction at...
Forum: Galway - Limerick - Waterford - Rosslare 15-08-2010, 07:29
Replies: 77
Views: 160,284
Posted By dermo88
In reply to Alan French. From memory, the...

In reply to Alan French.

From memory, the Waterford to Mallow line was a thrice weekly service, running twice daily (Rosslare to Cork Express) in Winter, and Daily in Summer, morning and evening. It...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 12-01-2010, 00:12
Replies: 15
Views: 8,255
Posted By dermo88
The first one is broadly correct. The...

The first one is broadly correct. The second.....

is talking of 180 people in a town of 2,500 people. Many people are ill informed as to the realities of rail transport, and that it works...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 31-12-2009, 18:33
Replies: 32
Views: 15,893
Posted By dermo88
I was booked on the 18.30 to Rosslare on the 30th...

I was booked on the 18.30 to Rosslare on the 30th December. I'd pity any repair crew working in those conditions. My feelings for the driver of the flatbed truck are unprintable, and it is beneath...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 13-10-2009, 17:09
Replies: 37
Views: 28,057
Posted By dermo88
I hinted at this a few years ago and it was...

I hinted at this a few years ago and it was unsubstantiated allegations by me back then. I did not have access to direct and definite proof, but there was too many - shall we say strange coincidences...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 23-09-2009, 14:55
Replies: 11
Views: 7,130
Posted By dermo88
I recall back around 1996, there was an article...

I recall back around 1996, there was an article in the Independent which proposed building a second link from Dublin City Centre, via Dublin Airport and Swords which would have linked into the...
Forum: Intercity and Regional 15-09-2009, 11:01
Replies: 3
Views: 5,603
Posted By dermo88
There have been two derailments caused by cattle,...

There have been two derailments caused by cattle, from the top of my head.

The first was in the UK, on the Glasgow to Edinburgh line at Polmaddie. It involved a Push/Pull set.

The second, and more...
Forum: Commuter Services 13-09-2009, 14:08
Replies: 171
Views: 108,675
Posted By dermo88
Thats a good sign in itself. They really can get...

Thats a good sign in itself. They really can get the finger out when they have to. Not often I have praise for Irish Rail, but the Permanent Way boys are in many ways the unsung heroes in...
Forum: Gorey-Arklow-Wicklow Line 04-08-2009, 12:29
Replies: 6
Views: 42,709
Posted By dermo88
Its not really feasible as a travel option to use...

Its not really feasible as a travel option to use the Train-Ferry combination unless its for points within a 60km radius of the Ports at each end. Thats why its been dying for the past 30 years....
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 04-08-2009, 12:25
Replies: 41
Views: 24,558
Posted By dermo88
Thats because its the freight that makes the...

Thats because its the freight that makes the money on the North Australian line, and they are over a mile long, whereas the passenger trains in Australia, outside the major urban centres are for...
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 27-07-2009, 01:26
Replies: 39
Views: 10,077
Posted By dermo88
In 2006, I wrote: Now all it needs is a nice...

In 2006, I wrote:

Now all it needs is a nice property crash, and there won't be any revenue around for 30 years. The railways will have their nice slow managed decline and neglect again if that...
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 09-07-2009, 07:19
Replies: 4
Views: 3,383
Posted By dermo88
Thats the wrong thing to say if you have a chance...

Thats the wrong thing to say if you have a chance of winning hearts and minds. Thats just being a sore loser and he knows hes on his way out.

What to say:

"I am elected to represent this...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 23-06-2009, 04:47
Replies: 14
Views: 7,437
Posted By dermo88
Its a case of horses for courses as I have argued...

Its a case of horses for courses as I have argued before. Locomotive haulage was appropriate to the old style traffic patterns Ireland had, which was the heavy passenger train, running 3 times daily...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 21-06-2009, 23:54
Replies: 14
Views: 7,437
Posted By dermo88
Its about priorities, thats how I view it. The...

Its about priorities, thats how I view it. The WRC is far down the list. Whats defective needs to be fixed. Existing services need to be fixed. When thats sorted, we move on to the next step. We have...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 18-06-2009, 13:55
Replies: 14
Views: 7,437
Posted By dermo88
Standing Passenger We will see if hundreds are...

Standing Passenger

We will see if hundreds are using it in droves as you say. I hope that Limerick to Galway is a success. Just checked that this is also your 3rd post, and considering this site has...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 16-06-2009, 14:19
Replies: 14
Views: 7,437
Posted By dermo88
A lifting train for North of Athenry would be the...

A lifting train for North of Athenry would be the only thing I'd order for the WRC
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 16-06-2009, 13:38
Replies: 1
Views: 5,750
Posted By dermo88
A prayer for modernisation - originally published...

A prayer for modernisation - originally published on www.boards.ie 23rd May 2007. I very much doubt Iarnrod Eireann would want this...
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 04-02-2009, 15:10
Replies: 57
Views: 29,144
Posted By dermo88
Any proposal to rebuild the Rosslare line between...

Any proposal to rebuild the Rosslare line between Bray and Wicklow, in my eyes is fantasy in the current financial climate. We are effectively talking of a brand new double track formation, much...
Forum: Limerick Ennis 02-02-2009, 01:55
Replies: 53
Views: 129,634
Posted By dermo88
Agree Mark. One nice side effect of this...

Agree Mark. One nice side effect of this recession is the lunacy of the "Build it and they will come" brigade will be exposed. Unfortunately, I don't have a country to go back to for around 10 years...
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 04-10-2008, 08:40
Replies: 10
Views: 5,561
Posted By dermo88
Its been a while since I posted, but heres how it...

Its been a while since I posted, but heres how it goes

Beeching was the saviour of the railways. Misty eyed revisionism and romance have no place in the operation, and management of a customer...
Forum: Nenagh Line 16-04-2008, 15:18
Replies: 6
Views: 61,825
Posted By dermo88
Hes not exactly qualified to talk, considering he...

Hes not exactly qualified to talk, considering he was transport minister for 3 years. What happened during that period?

Shall we have a look?

The track was rotten on almost all the radial main...
Forum: Dublin Rosslare 12-04-2008, 06:01
Replies: 27
Views: 53,171
Posted By dermo88
Much as I liked the Mark 2d fleet with 071...

Much as I liked the Mark 2d fleet with 071 locomotives, their time was up, and using 2800's as a stopgap was the right thing to do, at least until the 22K's arrive(d). The only objection I have is...
Forum: Dublin Rosslare 10-04-2008, 06:57
Replies: 27
Views: 53,171
Posted By dermo88
The Rosslare "train" needs an...

The Rosslare "train" needs an upgrade.

1. The track is new. Its far better than the very poor track that was there pre 2003, and the relay.
2. The trains are relatively new. Even a 2800 Class...
Forum: Dublin Rosslare 09-04-2008, 15:25
Replies: 27
Views: 53,171
Posted By dermo88
This line has parallels with the Settle to...

This line has parallels with the Settle to Carlisle line in the UK. Propose closing it, and the rail enthusiast lobby will go nuts. I'd keep it open for strategic reasons, such as oil shortages at...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 88

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