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Search: Posts Made By: Ballymore
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 07-02-2012, 11:09
Replies: 28
Views: 16,923
Posted By Ballymore
I noticed this morning that the new machine does...

I noticed this morning that the new machine does not facilitate paying in advance for the next day ie overnight parking which is a bit of a bummer. Means we have to use the more expensive 'irish...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 06-02-2012, 12:12
Replies: 28
Views: 16,923
Posted By Ballymore
The machine is now operational in the 'down the...

The machine is now operational in the 'down the road' car park so it's €1 a day from here on in Mullingar.
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 01-02-2012, 10:05
Replies: 28
Views: 16,923
Posted By Ballymore
Signs now up in the 'free' car park down the road...

Signs now up in the 'free' car park down the road from Mullingar Train Station stating a €1 daily charge would apply from 1/2/2012. There is no machine in place as yet so we got a bonus free...
Forum: Intercity and Regional 20-01-2012, 17:04
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
I was using sockets for about 15 minutes on...

I was using sockets for about 15 minutes on Wednesday morning and then it went. Walked thru 3 carriages this morning before I found available power.

Fix - hurry up please :-)
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 06-01-2012, 16:42
Replies: 8
Views: 5,627
Posted By Ballymore
I'm getting very fond of Maynooth and Enfield...

I'm getting very fond of Maynooth and Enfield seeing as we tend to sit in both locations for inordinate periods of time...... I cant decide who to vote for so maybe Broombridge is they way to go...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 06-01-2012, 16:39
Replies: 11
Views: 6,721
Posted By Ballymore
Working power sockets for starter and as a bonus...

Working power sockets for starter and as a bonus can we have an electric shock for any 'day trippers' who put shopping bags on seats on busy commuter trains :D
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 06-01-2012, 16:37
Replies: 16
Views: 13,291
Posted By Ballymore
Unfortunately he's not helped by some students...

Unfortunately he's not helped by some students (non students do it too no doubt) who travel on trains with no ticket at all in the hope that they dont have to purchase one.
Forum: Intercity and Regional 19-12-2011, 10:23
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
I've noticed sockets seem to work in more...

I've noticed sockets seem to work in more carriages in the evenings but rarely do in the mornings? Wonder why that is?
Forum: Intercity and Regional 10-11-2011, 09:36
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
I should have known better. I should have kept my...

I should have known better. I should have kept my mouth shut about the secret power supply in 2nd carriage. They took it away today :mad:
Forum: Intercity and Regional 09-11-2011, 10:40
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
2nd carriage (from front) on 7.26 from Mullingar...

2nd carriage (from front) on 7.26 from Mullingar has had working sockets last 2 days. Wow!
Forum: Intercity and Regional 04-11-2011, 12:56
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
Yes, unfortunately yet another case of things...

Yes, unfortunately yet another case of things getting worse rather than better :(
Forum: Intercity and Regional 03-11-2011, 14:10
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
Getting harder and harder to find carriages with...

Getting harder and harder to find carriages with power. Often have to travel through 3 or 4 carriages these days.
Forum: Dublin Cork 27-10-2011, 14:37
Replies: 14
Views: 28,933
Posted By Ballymore
Yes, AC, your point is also somewhat valid but a...

Yes, AC, your point is also somewhat valid but a day tripper on a 3 hour trip will not have to stand for more than 16% of his /her trip whereas an annual ticket holder going to say Mullingar would be...
Forum: Intercity and Regional 28-06-2011, 13:17
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
Power is still hit and miss on these trains....

Power is still hit and miss on these trains. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you dont :-)
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 24-06-2011, 11:33
Replies: 7
Views: 5,741
Posted By Ballymore
We were told the 2nd and 3rd buses (you had to...

We were told the 2nd and 3rd buses (you had to wait for) were going to Dublin until the driver actually pulled off and shouted he was only going to Maynooth.

Typical IR farce.

Driver of the train...
Forum: Intercity and Regional 17-06-2011, 14:28
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
No power as usual this morning - maybe if they...

No power as usual this morning - maybe if they leave it unaddressed IR think we'll just get used to it like all the rest of the things they make a hash of.
I've never seen so many employees employed...
Forum: Intercity and Regional 10-06-2011, 09:04
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
No power again this morning, different carriage...

No power again this morning, different carriage same story!
Forum: Intercity and Regional 09-06-2011, 15:15
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
No available working plug to be found in the...

No available working plug to be found in the front carriage of 7.27 from Mullingar this morning either. Thought it had improved over the last few days but obviously there is still a problem. Has...
Forum: Intercity and Regional 30-05-2011, 13:56
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
I always try the reset button but lately that has...

I always try the reset button but lately that has had no effect whatsoever.
Forum: Intercity and Regional 30-05-2011, 09:21
Replies: 53
Views: 59,009
Posted By Ballymore
I've also experienced this problem with the...

I've also experienced this problem with the sockets but have actually found some working some not after moving down carriages which is odd and would suggest something different to a general power...
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 08-02-2011, 15:04
Replies: 2
Views: 34,273
Posted By Ballymore
I have grown so accustomed to arriving late at...

I have grown so accustomed to arriving late at Mullingar that I never even noticed we were on time last night :-)
Forum: Dublin Sligo 07-02-2011, 15:36
Replies: 2
Views: 42,031
Posted By Ballymore
[04/02/2011] 16.00 Connolly-Sligo train Friday

Any idea what happened to this train on Friday last? 3 carriages on a Friday evening is absolutely crazy. Dangerously overcrowded. Practically every inch of space taken up with people standing /...
Forum: Commuter Services 02-02-2011, 11:27
Replies: 10
Views: 7,807
Posted By Ballymore
Over the past couple of weeks I've seen several...

Over the past couple of weeks I've seen several people trying to slip through the manned gate at Connolly either without tickets or with invalid tickets.

It's caused pile ups now and then as...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 26-01-2011, 09:33
Replies: 28
Views: 16,923
Posted By Ballymore
Same 02 renault parked outside the spaces...

Same 02 renault parked outside the spaces yesterday in the free car park but at least this time there was plenty of room for people properly parked to get by. He / she are not the only ones doing it...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 20-01-2011, 15:12
Replies: 28
Views: 16,923
Posted By Ballymore
In the case I mentioned it's the free car park...

In the case I mentioned it's the free car park down the road from Mullingar train station so NCP couldnt do anything.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 124

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