Rail Users Ireland Forum

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-   Drogheda-Balbriggan-Skerries-Donabate Line (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=42)
-   -   07.16 Dundalk to Bray (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=3710)

Rashers 28-01-2008 20:43

07.16 Dundalk to Bray
About 15 minutes late into Connolly. No annoncements from driver, station staff or CTC. rang Connolly information. They knew nothing but did investigate and rang me back.
Door problems on earlier DART delayed the suburban service. Noted down my complaint about lack of information.
Wonder was it linked to overcrowding?
Seems to be lots of letters in the papers these days about the impact of the overcrowding on the Maynooth line.....

Terrontress 30-01-2008 12:35


Originally Posted by Rashers (Post 29984)
About 15 minutes late into Connolly. No annoncements from driver, station staff or CTC. rang Connolly information. They knew nothing but did investigate and rang me back.
Door problems on earlier DART delayed the suburban service. Noted down my complaint about lack of information.
Wonder was it linked to overcrowding?
Seems to be lots of letters in the papers these days about the impact of the overcrowding on the Maynooth line.....

Mr. Kenny was on Newstalk 106 last week and he seems firmly of the opinion that the overcrowding is normal and that it is not going to improve.

I think we are going to get to the stage where Donabate is going to be like Shinjuku Station in Japan and we will have men in white gloves whose job it is to push people onto the train so the door can shut.

Mark Gleeson 30-01-2008 12:41

Standing is the norm, overcrowding is not

ThomasJ 30-01-2008 13:00


Seems to be lots of letters in the papers these days about the impact of the overcrowding on the Maynooth line.....
There has been alot of letters to papers over the last few days in particular about the the 17:00 Bray Maynooth and 17:34 Bray Longford only being 4 carriages including one this morning in the independent saying passengers are being left on the platforms at Tara Street.

Any reason why there is a shortage? whats the problem with the railcars that are out of order?


Time for Irish Rail to take a break
Wednesday January 30 2008

I expect not to get any response from Irish Rail to this, but here goes.

Since Irish Rail introduced its new, "improved" timetable on January 21, the number of carriages on the Dublin-Maynooth-Longford trains has been halved. Yet there are no extra services going through Tara St at peak evening times.

The pre-change timetable for the period concerned: 17.40, 18.12 and 18.33; the current timetable: 17.42, 18.13 and 18.35.

The 18.13 train was an eight-carriage affair, but this week it was a four-carriage train.

As a result, last week the train was dangerously overcrowded, and people were left standing at the platform. On two occasions this happened to me. Am I entitled to a refund?

Could Irish Rail please say what halfwit is responsible for making this change to train lengths?

If privatisation is the only way to make service match demand, and make public transport attractive to people, I suggest the Government go ahead and break up this amazingly inept organisation, and its unaccountable (so it would seem) management.

Mark Gleeson 30-01-2008 13:16

They are short of railcars and will be for at least the next 2 weeks

There may be some class of rostering trick going on sending 2 4 coach trains to Longford means you can send it back as 8 coaches, previously two trains would be left in Longford over night, now its only one, so the second one needs to get home

shweeney 31-01-2008 14:50

why are they short of railcars? is it because of the extra sligo services?

Mark Gleeson 31-01-2008 14:54

At the start of 2008 the Sligo line needed only 1 29k set, as of Jan 21st it again needs 2

However as of last night we believe all Sligo services will be operated by the new fleet resolving this and other issues, We have yet to confirm this however

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