Rail Users Ireland Forum

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packetswitch 09-08-2007 08:55

Luas add-on and IÉ Online Tickets
Is a printout of a reservation (for a ticket due to be collected at Heuston) enough to be accepted by a Luas inspector as entitlement to travel during the Dublin City-Heuston leg? The ticket is Dublin City Centre to (western IÉ destination) and included the add-on.

Mark Gleeson 09-08-2007 08:58

Under IE's rules you could travel on the reservation receipt as it is directly exchangeable for a ticket, also shows proof that you are not attempting to defraud the company

Luas rules have no such entry, they are quite clear that the ticket must show 'IFS', the IE online tickets never show it anyway

1, Ring IE and arrange to collect in Abbey Street or Connolly
2, Just do it and look sheepish

packetswitch 13-08-2007 16:19

As it turned out I was in a rush and just paid for the Luas on my smart card and picked up the ticket at Heuston (which annoyingly didn't say which train my reservation was on - utter, utter stupidity on IE's part: it gives the time for the notional departure from Dub city centre but not the time of the reserved t rain - STUPID).

Incidentally on the way back I took the 92 rather than the Luas and the driver was very confused, wanted me to put the ticket into the on-bus reader...

And of course, the ticket is not marked "IFS" or "Luas" or anything, so technically if I'd gone on the Luas I'd have been travelling without a ticket.

Is it that hard?

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