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Traincustomer 03-11-2017 23:11

New timetable from 10/12/2017 (?)

Bookings Unavailable Beyond 9th December 2017

23 October 2017
Online bookings are currently only available until 9th December.

Customers are advised that online bookings are currently unavailable beyond Saturday 9th December, 2017 on www.irishrail.ie. We are finalising changes to our new timetable which is due to come into effect on Sunday 10th December, 2017.

We advise customers to recheck our website week commencing Monday 13th November for details of services post 9th December.

Once services are made available we will have great value fares available online* over the Christmas Holidays, New Year Festivities and into early 2018.
Iarnród Éireann apologise for any inconvenience caused.
*subject to availability on Intercity services only.

Will this essentially be a carbon copy of the consultation process timetable (& subsequent minor adjustments)?

Increased frequency DART?

Slowing of Rosslare/Belfast/Sligo line services?

There were at least two previous threads on this:


Inniskeen 04-11-2017 13:48

Current timetable with some tinkering in the morning and evening seems to be extent of it on the Connolly side apart perhaps for some offpeak improvements on the Maynooth line. Services on some mainline routes are being slowed down on spurious safety grounds, while others are accelerated to leverage some value from the "line improvement" works on the Cork route.

Jamie2k9 04-11-2017 18:25

One or two little unexpected surprises on Connolly side but nothing major at Heuston.

James Howard 05-11-2017 11:14

Have they given up on passenger consultation on timetable changes? At least there used to be a pretence at trying to get the views of the customers on whether new timetables were actually an improvement.

Jamie2k9 05-11-2017 11:48

Full passenger consultation will take place for December 2018 schedule. For most part of this change minor changes along with some additional services.

Goods 05-11-2017 16:58

Carbon tax

Rail is an obvious option to reduce carbon emission but in ire it doesn’t even get a mention. Planners only looking forward a far as tomorrow instead of thinking 20yrs ahead and putting the infrastructure in place today.

Mark Gleeson 07-11-2017 08:55

There will be no consultation as the timetable changes will not result in any extra trains, some minor re-timings to account for the engineering works on the Dublin Cork line delivering improved speeds.

Details should be available from Nov 14

berneyarms 07-11-2017 12:27


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 78968)
There will be no consultation as the timetable changes will not result in any extra trains, some minor re-timings to account for the engineering works on the Dublin Cork line delivering improved speeds.

Details should be available from Nov 14

Not quite true - the expectation is for extra off-peak Maynooth line services as I understand it.

But probably correct to say nothing dramatic .

Mark Gleeson 07-11-2017 15:02

Maynooth and 10 minute DART are off the table currently

berneyarms 07-11-2017 16:02


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 78970)
Maynooth and 10 minute DART are off the table currently

Service increases on the Maynooth line have only been objected to by the unions in the last week - we don’t know what the company’s response will be yet.

The timetable could be deferred altogether if the dispute continues.

Traincustomer 07-11-2017 16:21

Even if matters are problematic Connolly side it would be good if the accelerated timings Heuston side could be brought into effect sooner rather than later. However perhaps the Phoenix Park Tunnel means this couldn't be done without the Connolly side tweaks too.

Inniskeen 07-11-2017 17:24

Can't imagine the unions being too cooperative with roster changes associated with a new timetable so probably won't happen unless dispute is settled.soon.

Sealink 11-12-2017 00:56

I notice the Rail Gourmet symbol is replaced by Carriage Cafe.

Change of provider?

berneyarms 11-12-2017 01:26


Originally Posted by Sealink (Post 79062)
I notice the Rail Gourmet symbol is replaced by Carriage Cafe.

Change of provider?

Same providers as on the Enterprise - Clare based Corporate Catering.

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