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-   -   [1-12-2009] Bray Greystones closed (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=11288)

Mark Gleeson 01-12-2009 11:03

[1-12-2009] Bray Greystones closed

Update: Tuesday 1st December . DART suspended Bray to Greystones by Corporate Communications

10.15hrs Tuesday 1st December

DART services between Bray and Greystones are currently suspended due to a overhead line fault at Greystones.

07.40hrs Rosslare to Connolly service is operating as a bus transfer between Wicklow and Connolly.

This website will be updated as furhter information is available.

Iarnród Éireann apologises for any inconvenience caused.
up side is punctuality elsewhere on the DART should be great for the next few hours

ACustomer 01-12-2009 11:55

Nothing on IE website (at least nothing on the homepage, which is the important bit) but the AA has information.

Usual disgraceful IE Corporate non-Communications

Mark Gleeson 01-12-2009 11:59

The above text came from the homepage, it clearly there, top right and has been since 10:30 ish

The online gizzmo still has trains to/from Greystones as if everything is normal

Thomas Ralph 01-12-2009 12:01

Still closed...

Update 11.30hrs: DART suspended between Bray and Greystones by Corporate Communications

Update 11.30hrs Tuesday 1st December

DART services between Bray and Greystones are currently suspended due to a overhead line fault at Greystones. Normal services are not expected to return until mid afternoon.

Please note: 13.30hrs Connolly to Rosslare service will operate as normal.

This website will be updated as further information is available.

Iarnród Éireann apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Mark Gleeson 01-12-2009 14:04

Has reopened

Colm Moore 01-12-2009 15:09


Tuesday 1st Dec : 14.35hrs Arklow - Maynooth Service by Corporate Communications

Tuesday 1st December 14.15hrs

14.35hrs Arklow service will be a bus transfer between Arklow and Bray and train from Bray to Maynooth.

Iarnród Éireann apologises for any inconvenience caused.

wobbles 01-12-2009 21:13

The 07.50 train from Rosslare made it as far as Greystones golf club where it stood for about 30 min before returning to Wicklow where we had to get on a bus to Bray.

The train was full with people standing only two buses were waiting and people were left behind. The Irish Rail guy said more buses were to arrive in 15 min. Dont know if they did I was lucky to get a seat on the second bus.

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