shweeney |
06-11-2009 09:14 |
New Timetable - changes to evening service
In addition to being moved back by 5 mins to 1730, the evening commuter service no longer calls at GCD or Lansdowne.
Now I appreciate that passengers from those stations can get the Dart that runs 5 mins ahead and change at Dun Laoghaire, but given that the diesel now has a longer running time (26 mins Connolly-Dun Laoghaire when it was 24 mins before with the extra stops) why not just leave those stops in? It doesn't make any sense, and a lot of people do get this service from Lans Rd.
Also, a lot of passengers on this train currently (50% at least) are heading for Bray and Greystones and most of these will now transfer to the earlier Dart leaving the diesel service quite lightly used between CY and DL while the previous Dart will be absolutely jammed.