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PLUMB LOCO 21-07-2009 11:39

22000s for the Rosslare line???
1 Attachment(s)
It is with despair that I post this, but does anybody have the slightest idea when we are going to see the long promised arrival of 22000s on Connolly/Rosslare Harbour services or will we have to wait until they are displaced from other inter-city lines by a new generation of railcars?

I post here an excerpt from a letter that I received from Dick Fearn (IE CEO) way back in June 2006!!!

Attachment 1044

Mark Gleeson 21-07-2009 11:41

September 27th...

PLUMB LOCO 21-07-2009 12:52

This year?

wobbles 21-07-2009 13:12


KSW 22-07-2009 14:50


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 47254)
September 27th...

Yes talking to a member of the IE staff yesterday and he told me Irish Rail will have their new timetable published on 27th Sep.

Rosslare services will be terminating at Wexford with the odd one or two going to Rosslare for the Ferry connection. First morning train from Dublin will turn into a 10.30 Wexford to Dublin serving Gorey at 11.10/15 arriving into Dublin around 12.55

Train times will be reduced by 5-10mins

Question- When do IE release their new timetable for the public to see??

ThomasJ 22-07-2009 14:52


Originally Posted by KSW (Post 47306)
Yes talking to a member of the IE staff yesterday and he told me Irish Rail will have their new timetable published on 27th Sep.

Rosslare services will be terminating at Wexford with the odd one or two going to Rosslare for the Ferry connection. First morning train from Dublin will turn into a 10.30 Wexford to Dublin arriving into Gorey at 11.10/15

Train times will be reduced by 5-10mins

Question- When do IE release their new timetable for the public to see??

we are talking probably the online reservation date 28 days in advance you should be able to book.

So should be up by end of August

KSW 22-07-2009 14:55


Originally Posted by ThomasJ (Post 47307)
we are talking probably the online reservation date 28 days in advance you should be able to book.

So should be up by end of August

Thanks ThomasJ - Be interesting to see what improvements IE have done to this line to revive it...

DangerM 22-07-2009 15:15

I heard that the only change to the morning trains to Dublin was the 07:40 train will leave an hour earlier at 06:40 and arrive in Connolly at 09:36 and in the evening the 16:40, 17:25 and 18:37 trains back will move to 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00.

ThomasJ 22-07-2009 15:20

I heard that too (including the cancellation of the 16:40, and the 17:00hrs ex connolly continuing to be 6*28k)

Not sure I'd read much into it though!

Knew though that the last train wouldn't be long after 19:00 because of the constraints with the level crossings.

Interesting though that in keeping with the clockface theme trains will depart on the hour!

Colm Moore 22-07-2009 16:09

22 321 operating the 16:40 ex-Connolly now.

Ewww, I feel liek a spotter!!!

Graham W 22-07-2009 16:21


Originally Posted by DangerM (Post 47309)
I heard that the only change to the morning trains to Dublin was the 07:40 train will leave an hour earlier at 06:40 and arrive in Connolly at 09:36 and in the evening the 16:40, 17:25 and 18:37 trains back will move to 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00.

I wonder will the alleged 17:00 18:00 and 19:00 all go to Wexford?
The proposed 06:40 from Rosslare will be very busy I'd imagine. Might require 6 coaches

ThomasJ 22-07-2009 16:22


Originally Posted by Graham W (Post 47313)
I wonder will the alleged 17:00 18:00 and 19:00 all go to Wexford?
The proposed 06:40 from Rosslare will be very busy I'd imagine. Might require 6 coaches

I heard 1 morning service will be 2800 6-coaches. That will probably be it!

Graham W 22-07-2009 16:24

I can't wait till September 27th!

ThomasJ 22-07-2009 16:27


Originally Posted by Graham W (Post 47315)
I can't wait till September 27th!

Yep should be interesting allright!

And it looks like it could be clockface day! [finally about time! i'm sick of timetables!:D ]

KSW 22-07-2009 22:30

Everyone sounds happy with the new timetable if thats what it will be.

I am most happy with the 10.30 ex Wexford to Dublin a late morning train at last :D :D

DangerM 23-07-2009 08:37

We'll just have to wait and see if they possibly cut down the journey times instead of waiting at each station for 5 minutes and then outside Greystones.

I wouldn't be happy that they are moving the 16:40 train out by 20 minutes, means getting home that much later each day for me but I could see how the current train doesn't suit a lot of people.

ThomasJ 23-07-2009 09:16

It is rumoured [only rumoured- haven't heard confirmation] that the 17:00hrs and 19:00hrs will be Intercity services, and the 18:00hrs will continue to be a commuter service operating to and from Maynooth.

It is also rumoured that in place of the Rosslare line changes the existing Maynooth-bound train [6 coach 2800] opearting from Gorey will operate to and from Pearse Station [aroundabout 16:30hrs]

Colm Moore 23-07-2009 10:45

Where are these rumours coming from?

Send three and force pence, we're going to a dance? (Send reinforcements we're going to advance).

ThomasJ 23-07-2009 11:35


Originally Posted by Victor (Post 47337)
Where are these rumours coming from?

Send three and force pence, we're going to a dance? (Send reinforcements we're going to advance).

What does that mean?

Rumours I heard from where from IE staff, (a friend of a friend)

Colm Moore 23-07-2009 12:11


Originally Posted by ThomasJ (Post 47347)
What does that mean?

Rumours and the like tend to end up with the original message ("Send reinforcements we're going to advance") being corrupted (to "Send three and force pence, we're going to a dance").

PLUMB LOCO 23-07-2009 14:25

Victor - you're really showing your age! Chinese Whispers - the younger generation haven't a notion what you/we are talking about! :D

ThomasJ 23-07-2009 14:32


Rumours and the like tend to end up with the original message ("Send reinforcements we're going to advance") being corrupted (to "Send three and force pence, we're going to a dance").
Ahh chinese whispers, brings back memories!


Victor - you're really showing your age! Chinese Whispers - the younger generation haven't a notion what you/we are talking about! :D

I feel so old! :o :D

Started off with someone having a pint last night and finished up with them being an alcaholic and drug addict (alcohol is a drug). The stuff you'd add on!

wobbles 24-07-2009 17:41

From what I have heard the weekday evening departures from Dublin will be 1630 to Wexford 17.30 to Wexford and 18.30 to Rosslare. The 18.30 will still be the last train of the day :( The proposed 17.00, 18.00 and 19.00 times have been dropped as it appears IE received a number of complaints about changing the 1640 and 1725 departures.

KSW 24-07-2009 18:23


Originally Posted by wobbles (Post 47432)
From what I have heard the weekday evening departures from Dublin will be 1630 to Wexford 17.30 to Wexford and 18.30 to Rosslare. The 18.30 will still be the last train of the day :( The proposed 17.00, 18.00 and 19.00 times have been dropped as it appears IE received a number of complaints about changing the 1640 and 1725 departures.

Three trains going to Wexford the line is to quite for that. Iarnrod Eireann needs to change the face of the Rosslare line. I would like to know how IE received complaints about changing the departure times when I never heard of anything. I first of heard of it was on Tuesday 27sep will be the published timetable date. The new timetable isnt even out so how could people be complaining. Sorry wobbles I know you just heard it..:) :):)

Would people like to see the timetable stay the way it is now or vote for a change!!:)

ThomasJ 27-07-2009 12:13

possible political intervention
keith i have to say that while its still all speculation, I wouldn't be dismissing wobbles report too quickly!

The people of Mullingar will vouch for that. that a small number of people that travel south of pearse to mullingar complained to their local westmeath elected representative about the 17:28 Bray Longford being cut back to Maynooth or Enfield. The elected respresentative got onto CIE and the plans were ultimately shelved. (Don't forget the 18:05 Connolly Longford express is there)

The benefit for Mullingar passengers would have been a train home after 21:00hrs.

Be aware and be very careful, its all well and good people complaining but if they go to their elected representatives its more likely the plans are shelved, so keep an eye on this!

KSW 27-07-2009 19:59


Originally Posted by ThomasJ (Post 47510)
keith i have to say that while its still all speculation, I wouldn't be dismissing wobbles report too quickly!

The people of Mullingar will vouch for that. that a small number of people that travel south of pearse to mullingar complained to their local westmeath elected representative about the 17:28 Bray Longford being cut back to Maynooth or Enfield. The elected respresentative got onto CIE and the plans were ultimately shelved. (Don't forget the 18:05 Connolly Longford express is there)

The benefit for Mullingar passengers would have been a train home after 21:00hrs.

Be aware and be very careful, its all well and good people complaining but if they go to their elected representatives its more likely the plans are shelved, so keep an eye on this!

Thanks ThomasJ, It is speculation after all. Just wait for the published timetable.......:) :)

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