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-   -   Now no Bookings after May4th (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=15570)

ACustomer 14-03-2017 13:19

Now no Bookings after May4th
Following the prolonged hiatus in booking availability post March 19th, the following is on to-day's IE website (March 14th):

To facilitate the upgrade of our booking system, bookings for services beyond the 4th May are currently not available to purchase.

We plan to make these services available to purchase online after Thursday 4th May.
So what is going on? Have they screwed up with the new system? Also the ambiguity of the last sentence quoted is astonishing: it could be taken to mean that services after May 4th, will only be bookable after May 4th.

What about saying "we hope to make services after May 4th bookable by (say) March 31st". I would prefer if they could say "intend" rather than "hope" but that is asking too much. Maybe they just haven't a clue when anything will be available.

Thomas J Stamp 20-03-2017 11:51

sounds like a balls up.

Jamie2k9 20-03-2017 13:54

It's clearly a bad choice of wording.

They have updated:

To facilitate the upgrade of our booking system, bookings for services beyond the 4th May are currently not available to purchase.

We plan to extend online booking availability beyond 4th May in the near future, and will update this page when confirmed.

To view timetables for the 5th May onwards, please visit our Timetable page.

ACustomer 06-04-2017 08:27

To-day (less than 30 days to go) there are still no bookings available beyond May 4th.

A revised notice on the IE website says that they "plan" to have post-May 4th bookings available by April 24th. That's just 10 days advance availability, which is a disgrace, considering how long this mess has been going on.

I hope that this "plan" is closely monitored. A private business would not survive such incompetent behaviour.

Colm Moore 20-04-2017 17:25


Bookings Unavailable Beyond 4th May 2017
08 March 2017

To facilitate the upgrade of our booking system, bookings for services beyond the 4th May are currently not available to purchase.

We are currently in the process of launching a new booking system. To facilitate the transition from the old to the new system, dates after 4th May are not bookable at the moment.

Dates after 4th May will be available online week commencing 24th April, the week the new system goes live. In the interim, to view timetables for the 5th May onwards, please visit our Timetable page.

Customers are also advised, on Sunday 23rd April, this site will be unavailable from 18:00hrs – 04:30hrs on Monday 24th April to facilitate this transition.

Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Jamie2k9 24-04-2017 09:16

They have launched the new booking system with a new fare structure:
Non Flexible
* - No Refund
* - No Cancellation
* - Non Transferable
* - Lowest Fare

Medium Flexible
* - Cancellation with T&T"s
* - Fee Applies
* - Option to travel on the next service after schedule or before scheduled only

Fully Flexible
* - Full Refund
* - Travel on other services no restriction

Dublin13 24-04-2017 09:35

It's great having the four fare types listed, but if you hover over each heading where the little i is, it doesn't tell you what that type of fare offers, for example, hover over "No Flex" and it shows "No Flexible Fare" when it should show details of what each fare type is.

I know if you click the fare it will show you details, but surely it should do it on the hover over of the headings, the i gives the impression it would.

"Mag Stripe on TVM" being used for ticket collection method is obvious to most of us but for a lot of people it won't be, surely some more friendly terminology can be used here?

Meanwhile there still is no ability to type your own time or select your own time in the booking engine, still this silly time window selections from a drop down.

Jamie2k9 24-04-2017 10:56

South Tipp Line now offering online fares.

James Howard 24-04-2017 12:40

Wow - there are some fabulous discounts available on the Sligo line. Just did random checks on about 5 different dates and all three fare bands are the exact same price for every train on all 5 days.

12.29 each way makes for a whopping 7 cent discount on a walk-up day return from Edgeworthstown to Connolly. In fairness, the same fare seems to be available to return on a different day which represents a decent saving on an open return.

comcor 24-04-2017 13:53

The flexible tickets aren't clear to me

Are they fixed once the tickets are printed? And if so, does that mean if I want to go to Dublin for work on a Monday morning and return on the Friday afternoon, once I have printed my ticket on the Monday, my flexibility has gone on the Friday?

I guess this could be got around by booking two singles, but that is creating hassle.

Jamie2k9 24-04-2017 14:00

Extra details:

Traincustomer 24-04-2017 14:48

South Tipp glitches
Hopefully once the glitches are sorted out it will help considerably in generating additional traffic on this line.

Clonmel - Heuston single from as little as €21.98.

However bought at the ticket office in Tipp town a day return to Heuston is €34.50 (Band N). However booking online is generating a day return fare of €45.96 medium flexible...or fully flexible for €63.96

There is a similar issue with day return fares between stations on the line where a day return fare is available for the single fare. The online system is not recognising this.

namloc 24-04-2017 16:20

Are the Taxsaver loyalty tickets gone with the new system?

James Howard 24-04-2017 16:24

I was thinking the same thing and went to check. Unfortunately on three separate attempts to go through with a booking, I got an error prompting me to contact their system administrator (no details as to how provided) and it blanked out the data I'd filled in. Not a terribly promising start but about normal for Irish Rail.

RPI 24-04-2017 20:18

It seems to be impossible to book a first class ticket on the Enterprise. I was only offered standard class.

Jamie2k9 24-04-2017 21:13

Working fine when I checked just now.

Colm Moore 24-04-2017 21:20

With any new system, there will be a bedding-in period. Feel free to post any comments and we'll pass them on.

There are more features to come.

Jamie2k9 26-04-2017 13:35


With any new system, there will be a bedding-in period. Feel free to post any comments and we'll pass them on.

There are more features to come.
I did suggest to them from a visual prospective on the seat selection page there is way to much white and for anyone who has a visual impairment or even full sited people it's not easy to see.

They need to bring back the green seats if not the old seating map which was good or replace the grey text with dark black.

The (i) before the fare types under the dates need to contain the restrictions on the fares as well as when you select the ticket.

Traincustomer 26-04-2017 19:59

Blackrock - Rosslare
Performed a dummy run for a Blackrock – Rosslare Europort booking but the following message was retuned “This option is not available online, but might be available at the booking office”.

Surely this can be enabled?

"might" is very vague... Aren't all possible station to station combinations available at every booking office?

A through booking is available on the 05.35 ex Europort (which serves Blackrock).

Mark Gleeson 26-04-2017 22:20

The booking engine will only support the routes/stations previously supported

The issue is the fares system which will be addressed in phase 2 which will then allow any to any booking with the correct fares applied

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