Rail Users Ireland Forum

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-   -   Fare evasion must be rife in the evenings (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=14952)

ocian 30-10-2013 16:10

And just to point out I've never had any issue since, the booking office is usually open and more often I have a valid return ticket so don't need to purchase one. And it was just one incident out so many journeys I've taken over the past number of years problem free. But at least now I have clarity for the future if I end up in similar circumstances. Thanks Mark :D

Concerned Worker 30-10-2013 22:14

Mark, It was interesting to see your reaction in relation to the RPU officer who might have made an error in this particular case,
"You did nothing wrong and the RPU officer should be suspended/disclipined for a gross breach of proceedure"
Have you had a bad experience with the RPU in the past that you would have suggested suspension/discipline without knowing all the facts ?

Mark Gleeson 31-10-2013 06:39

Far too many cases of RPU staff exceeding their authority and intimidating passengers, demanding information they have no legal authority to demand.

If they don't know the terms and conditions of travel, the bye laws and the rail safety act they should not be checking tickets. They well know cross route fares are not available from the the TVM's.

The fact many fines have been withdrawn on appeal proves the point. I am aware that district managers have had to intervene to deal with situations the RPU should never had issued fines in the first place.

The legal position requires that Irish Rail prove intent to defraud, if the passenger can show negligence or incompetence they win. If the ticket machine cannot issue the requested ticket, its defective.

Inniskeen 31-10-2013 09:06

Your previous post is interesting and would appear to highlight a degree of confusion and inconsistency on Irish Rail's behalf.

The following questions spring to mind

1) Is there an obligation on Irish Rail to provide through tickets from any station to any other station on their system ? Does this extend to stations on the Dublin/Belfast line north of the border ? Does it extend to all stations in Northern Ireland ? To the UK generally ? Elsewhere ?

2) Are children (accompanied or otherwise) entitled to board trains without a ticket at locations where child tickets can not be purchased ? Is this just an issue in the Dublin area or generally ?

Mark Gleeson 31-10-2013 09:26

EU law mandates through tickets where available, Irish Rail offers through tickets to all NI destinations, customer charter gives a commitment to sell the most appropriate ticket

There is no obligation to purchase a ticket if the machine does not offer the ticket you need. So in Dublin a child does not need a ticket.

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