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-   -   [September 2010] Dunboyne M3 Commuter rail to open in September (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=12633)

europhile 07-08-2010 12:35

At which stations will the trains be stopping, ie, which will be the next one after Drumcondra?

This is going to play havoc with the manned level crossing at Ashtown.

Mark Gleeson 07-08-2010 21:18

Pace,Dunboyne, Hansfield (when it opens), Clonsilla, all stations to Broombridge and Docklands. There is no stop at Drumcondra.

Given most of the trains are simply an extension of the current Clonsilla - Docklands service there will be minimal impact on level crossings.

Planning permission is being sought to close the level crossing between Ashtown and Broombridge currently and others will follow

europhile 08-08-2010 08:31

Many thanks. Not sure if I've missed something but I thought the frequency of the service was to be every thirty minutes and there are currently only eight trains a day serving the Docklands/Clonsilla route. No?

Mark Gleeson 08-08-2010 19:07

Clonsilla Docklands is current peak hour only service. From September there will be a 7 day a week all day service.

On weekends services will serve Drumcondra and terminate in either Connolly or Pearse.

ThomasJ 11-08-2010 21:45

Im just wondering for match nights like this how abiut sendibg pace trains from pearse or connolly

ThomasJ 20-08-2010 13:28

Did anyone see the article on hansfield station yesterday and fears that it could be a ghost station due to developers yet to build access to the station

Was in yesterdays metro

Mark Gleeson 20-08-2010 13:30

There has been a lot of trouble with Hansfield owing to the developers who own the land around the station. There has been some infighting

As far as I understand Irish Rail did not pay for Hansfield

ThomasJ 20-08-2010 16:34

due to open on September 2
From tonights herald


A NEW railway station in north Dublin is being delayed indefinitely because two property companies have not built an agreed access road.

The Dunboyne rail line is due to open on September 2 but Hansfield station will not be ready because Menolly Homes and Manor Park Homes have not constructed an access road.

Hansfield station was constructed to serve the people of Ongar and Littlepace but will remain closed and unused until the road is complete.

Hansfield is a developer-led station, providing infrastructure for the Hansfield strategic development zone and the surrounding area.

Iarnrod Eireann explained to the Herald: "Hansfield will not be opened in September, as the developer has not provided the access road to the station."

Barry Kenny, of Irish Rail, went on to say that they were "working with Fingal County Council in seeking to ensure that the developer completes these works as soon as possible", but that they did not have a timescale.

"When it does open it will be extremely beneficial to the people from the local area and we're discussing the possible construction of a large car park with Fingal County Council.

"We had everything in place for the access road to be built and the developers were contractually obligated to have the road completed in line with the opening of the rail line," said Mr Kenny.

John Lynch, chairman of CIE, echoed the sentiments, saying: "We are seeking to ensure that the developer completes these works as soon as possible."

Labour finance spokespeerson Joan Burton went on to say that ordinary Irish people were once again being held to ransom by property developers.

She said that it was "deeply disappointing for local people that when much needed infrastructure is finally provided, it can't be used because a property developer isn't living up to his end of the deal.

"Yet again, local people are at the mercy of property developers for the provision of basic services.


"We have a brand new train station at the Phoenix Park that is hardly used, and a brand new station at Hansfield that can't open because it has no access road.

"To say that this shows a lack of joined-up thinking would be an understatement.

"Even if only a temporary access road is put in place at first, the local community cannot afford to have expensive, much-needed infrastructure lying idle."

Ms Burton went on to say that she had written to Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey urging him to fast-track the opening of Hansfield station.

Thomas Ralph 20-08-2010 17:28

Not to mention that the brand-new Phoenix Park station is not even near the Phoenix Park.

ThomasJ 20-08-2010 18:49

Any idea when we might see the new timetable?

The new line is due to open in less than 2 weeks

Colm Moore 20-08-2010 22:03


Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson (Post 57932)
As far as I understand Irish Rail did not pay for Hansfield

As I understand it IR are paying for the platforms, the developers are paying for everything else on a better than standard station. There was talk at the oral hearing of about €6m being involved.

This is what happens with railway companies play "hard ball".

dowlingm 21-08-2010 15:02

Next time, the hard ball should be standard platform, standard station and an access road built before both of them :rolleyes:

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